
Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the information to the students and their parents with the proper guidance in their education pathway for future career. In order to nurture and serve the prospective students in achieving their goals of further studies, it is our obligation to propose the various options based on their education background and financial budget that is consistent with their career plan.  We extended our services in the education world beyond the students and their parents by exploring and expanding the market opportunities with respective Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and industry globally for the completion of the ecosystem in the society. 

By keeping in sync with values, integrity and ethics, we strongly believe in #GoodAndFairEducation for all.


Mystudy于2004年成立,我们秉持著让每个学生拥有接受优质教育以及留学机会的信 念。长期以来不间断的在各个中学和大专院校提供座谈会和工作坊,并且出版月刊为学 生和家长提供免费咨询的方式来完成我们的使命。

2010年,Mystudy迎来了重大的转捩点,不但与爱尔兰贸易与科技局(Enterprise Ireland)和爱尔兰大使馆建立联盟关系,还共同推介“爱尔兰教育”。这项合作为马来西亚 学生开创了新的留学选择。凭借着爱尔兰优质的高等教育和较为经济的留学经费,迅 速引起学生的关注,并选择爱尔兰成为他们留学的目的地。MystudyIRL因此成立,并且 成为各爱尔兰大学的官方代表,为这些大学宣传与招生。

在获得各院校和政府机构的支持之下,我们持续坚守理念,为学生和家长提供咨询和服 务。这些年来,我们开发了更多留学目的地,让学生根据学费、课程、标准、文化和志 愿,来量身打造出适合他们的留学计划及目的地。这些全面的留学资讯和指南,可帮助 学生做出明智的决定,以创造和实现理想。

在我们欢庆成立20周年之际,已有数千名学生通过我们的服务和辅导,实现了他们留学 海外的梦想。在这些学生当中,有许多在毕业后就获得国际企业的聘请或在他们的专业 领域中一展所长。

感谢家长和学生对我们的信任和肯定,这对我们来说是莫大的鼓励。未来,我们会继续 提供良好的服务,与学子们并肩同行。



CK Chiau

Executive Director, Co-Founder
  • MBA
  • ACMA
  • Chartered Accountant and experienced Marketing manager with more that 20 years of experienced in the Education industry. Guided more that thousands of students successfully.
  • Detailed Profile: www.ckchiau.com

Cecilia Wong

  • MBA
  • CA
  • CFP
  • Chartered Accountant with more than 20 years of experience in Financial and Marketing services

Joey Lim

Admin Executive
  • Diploma in Computer Science
  • Diploma graduate with more than 8 years of administrative and document processing experience

Grace Lim

Admin Executive
  • Diploma in Broadcasting
  • Expertise in Irish Universities placement with extensive experience providing students with academic, flight and accommodation advice.

Melissa Chin

Marketing Manager
  • BA in Accounting
  • Malaysian Diploma holder with an Accounting degree in Ireland
  • Has more than 5 years of experience in Marketing, Accounting and Event Management

Kelley Tan

PR & Social Media Marketing
  • BA(Hons) in Mass Communication  / Media Studies
  • Digital Marketing , Branding , Event Management , Desinger 


